A Solar Eclipse of Connection and Communication

Posted on October 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The solar eclipse New Moon in Libra, taking place on October 2nd at 11:49 AM PT, is a powerful lunation that brings along some wildly clarifying winds of change, intensified relational awareness, and thought-provoking reflection. Coming into its exact position at 10º 4’ of Libra, this is the final eclipse of 2024. The astrological signature of this eclipse has a very pronounced Mercury, perched one degree away from the position of the Sun and Moon, indicating the importance of integrating the experience of this time into our conscious beliefs and attitudes. The eclipse degree is also heavily influenced by Makemake, in partile conjunction, also at 10º Libra, so that the October month is therefore colored by an intrinsic connection to Nature, and to natural law, to right action and right relationship, as well as a particularly protective stance around earth issues, one of the defining challenges of our time. Mars is also making a wide square to the eclipse degree and is also part of a grand trine in Water with Venus and Saturn, indicating the potential for emotions to run very high, yet with an opportunity for things to peacefully and slowly shift, allowing for new inner awareness to blossom.

This Libra eclipse is the fifth of six eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis since early 2023, with the final one forthcoming in March 2025. This means that one theme of the story we’re all living out in this chapter is drawing closer to its conclusion. The karmic lessons that tend to come with the Aries-Libra axis where this eclipse is located are around issues of self and other, and the paradox of we humans as individual beings that also swim in a soup of inherent interconnectedness. You may wish to ask yourself: what has arisen within your relationships and patterns since 2023? What lessons have come to you regarding autonomy, sovereignty, and individuality? This theme could also apply to concepts of togetherness, attachment styles, interdependence (or codependence), and collaboration – the vibe of the karmic stew that this series of eclipses is simmering us in.

During this eclipse in particular, with Mercury so strongly placed, we will want to be asking ourselves and each other very explicit analytical questions, thus relating through thoughtful communication. We may be reflecting on our situation specifically with our words so that these become of heightened importance. It is also vital to notice the patterns of how we relate from our mind, and to also regard the energy, intentionality, and emotions that live underneath and all around the specific words being spoken. We may need to consider in all this that while the mind is an excellent tool, it is also prone to pitfalls of misuse when misaligned from heart, spirit, or our essential nature.
Makemake’s presence in this configuration, just fractions of a degree from the eclipse position, is of great interest. The archetypal delineation of these two new 21st century Nature planets (along with Haumea) is still in the process of being discovered, but according to our founder Henry Seltzer’s research, it is an archetype emblematic of connection to the natural world, and to all our fellow creatures, with an emphasis on protecting right actions and the Earth itself. Perhaps this eclipse can serve to shine a more productive light on the many injustices and atrocities against the Earth and her many creatures, and galvanize influences in protecting our home. An emblematic example of this in current events is Jane Goodall, world-renowned primatologist, who recently launched her campaign Vote for Nature, encouraging citizens to align with political figures who protect the environment. Perhaps this time will refresh our collective attention and action orientation toward protecting the preciousness of our natural world.

Mars in Cancer is making a wide square to the eclipse degree and is also just two degrees away from what will be its direct station come February 2025, after beginning its retrograde journey this December. Mars in Cancer echoes this protective quality of Makemake, and we may each be confronted by some deep-seated feelings of frustration, anger, and outrage over the condition of our world. This could be deeply personal, or collective, or more likely somewhere interlaced between the two, as we all hold specific resonance with the larger whole of humanity. Yet, with this sense of outrage can also come revitalizing energy for taking action around preserving or protecting what you truly love and value. Interestingly, Venus — ruling planet of this Libra Eclipse and currently in Scorpio (Mars’ rulership) — along with Saturn in Pisces, are together making a grand trine in Water with Mars in Cancer. Grand trines tend to allow for greater ease in synthesizing complex energies, and in this case may allow more flow in moving and channeling our outrage, allowing our hearts to metabolize, grieve, and release these energies. Saturn’s influence can also help us find new practical ways to apply ourselves to the causes, paths, and communities that we feel deep resonance and purpose with, allowing us to become more ourselves as we operate in consonance with our most cherished principles.
In summary, the solar eclipse New Moon in Libra invites us to reflect on our relationships, our communication patterns, and our connection to the natural world. This time period, as we head into the ending of a difficult year, carries an opportunity to gain clarity, release old emotional blockages, and take action in ways that support our deepest values and sense of purpose, both individually and collectively. May we each be deeply supported in all aspects of being, so that we may anchor into a deeper presence with ourselves, each other, and our ever-changing world.