Libra Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on June 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another rather interesting month, Libra, in connection with your evolving beliefs and the way you view the world around you. These past few weeks have illuminated partnership in your life and the effect that this has on your own evolutionary development. You have been making great strides in that department, very near and dear to your Libra heart, so that the thought process and learning curve around this important area has been ongoing. As the current month begins, you are investigating, with increased vigilance, the underpinnings of your belief systems in terms of worldview and philosophical alignments. There have been surprising developments in internal exploration and intimate connection. The advent of the Gemini New Moon of June 6th signals miraculous learning curves and creative conundrums in search of novel solutions. Your creative self-expression is in transformative motion ad your values are very much on the line. What you seek is what comes to you from deep inside, and is yours, and yours alone. It is that core internal moral commitment. And it is what remains once you have sorted through and discarded the effects of early conditioning and the artificial attitudes of consensus thought forms. You are making a fresh start in matters of identity, viewpoint, and values, and your major task is to stay out of your own way.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at

June begins with a winding down of the lunation cycle that began in Taurus in early May, which activated your sector of inner processes and intimacy. Uranus and Jupiter majorly activated this area of life for you, as well, so the beginning of June likely catches you in the midst of a deeply psychological process, where you are getting oriented to the seismic shifts occurring in your inner landscape. Your deeper considerations of your values and principles that you have been subject to in recent weeks goes on into the current month.

The activity will shift in June, with more emphasis placed on Gemini this month, activating your ninth sector of higher learning, spiritual path, and travel. This begins right away, on the 1st, with Jupiter’s recent Gemini ingress paying off by an amazing trine aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, or your creativity sector, the lasts to the 6th,

On June 3rd, Mercury joins Jupiter in the Gemini sign. At this time Mercury will boost the Jupiter trine Pluto, both forming a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, continuing with expanding your spiritual horizons, and eliciting a transformation of your creative impulses and primal desires.

Venus, your ruling planet, enters into a longer than usual cazimi in Gemini from June 3rd to 5th. Venus occupying the heart of the Sun in your ninth sector of higher mind indicates a special time of feeling into upper octaves of love, romance, clarifying your heart’s intent and desire, and feeling into what enlivens your spirit. You may be experiencing major wanderlust and the hunger to follow your curiosity to experiences that bring you delight and meaning.

On June 6th, the Gemini New Moon brings further energy to this signature, when Venus is still conjunct the Sun, and now the Moon as well, all at the 16 degree-mark of Gemini. What an illumination and time of birthing new potentials! Many new lessons, ideas, ways of communicating and spiritual expansions may come burbling forth all at once. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, however, as during this New Moon also, the Sun, Moon, and Venus make a square to Saturn in Pisces, firmly reminding you to apply these exciting new ideas into grounded and practical reality. There may be pain or tensions that arise in light of this. Perhaps wounds around self-worth or value could arise. Finding creative direction and practical application in the midst of challenge or obstacles will yield results that can stand the test of time.

Mars enters Taurus on the late evening of the 8th and travels there until July 20th, retracing some of the recent month’s lesson and themes of psychological process, inviting you to dig deep into your sense of choice and active will. This signature lends perseverance, and a grit to push through. This may also dredge up buried anger and frustrations. Lean into channeling rage and fury into somatic movement, allowing the energy to be unearthed from your body and directed in constructive ways.

More Gemini action arrives when Mercury comes into Cazimi there on June 14th, which may feel like a bright and piercing light with heightened clarity; mark this day on your calendar and take advantage of the insights that come by writing them down or documenting them, somehow! Because soon to follow this moment of clarity we have Mercury joining Venus in watery Cancer on June 16th and 17th, representing also you career sector, while they both square Neptune. This may feel like that bright midday light ebbing into a foggy haze where the navigation must be done by feel rather than rational logic. If feelings of confusion or anxiety arise, you may wish to lean into the dreamy, poetic, and non-linear, feeling into the artistic and intuitive ways of interpreting and being present with your experience.

By the 20th the Sun has also moved into Cancer, heralding the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, only to be opposed by the Capricorn Full Moon the very next day. The Sun in square with Neptune as it shifts signs will bring a strong presence of the Cosmic Dreamer into this picture. Nebulous ideas and misty compassionate emotional tunings might provide an interesting backdrop to heightened attention to the worldly affairs and career or professional choices represented by the Solstice Sun at the top of your chart.

The Capricorn Full Moon falls on June 21st and further stimulates your public sphere with a reminder as well of more private concerns. This culmination of the lunation cycle may help ground all the excitable and flighty Gemini energy you’ve been experiencing, as this Full Moon spans your angular fourth and tenth sectors, thereby bringing your awareness to conversations of home-foundation bridging to your worldly expression of public persona or career. The Sun and Moon in opposition also makes a T-square to Neptune, casting a dimension of compassion but also fogginess across your awareness. You may feel called to tend diligently to your home, or perhaps to your inner child as Capricorn energy for you is tied to your fourth sector themes of family of origin and formational experiences. This Sun-Moon axis can also bring up material around ancestry, nostalgia, and the past.

An important question to ask yourself during this Full Moon might be “how can I build a strong foundation for myself, so that my heart feels safe to let go and truly be me, while adrift in the greater world?” The answer may come in surprising avenues, the poetry of the universe speaking to you in mysterious ways. You may wish to listen deeply from your heart and intuition, knowing your head is there to help, but mind alone might not be at this moment the strongest tool in your kit.

The month arrives at its close with Saturn coming to its retrograde station on the 29th. The lessons of a highlighted Saturn in Pisces are many, beginning with finding the inherent structure and discipline for your spiritual path and sense of wellness. Saturn in Pisces corresponds to your sector of health, habits, and service. As the month changes and the height of the July season begins, you may feel yourself limited or blocked in some way from creating habits that support your health and wellbeing. If so, the pathway through could be somewhat paradoxical, as Saturn in Pisces invites you to create structures that are also fluid and mutable.

This time invites you to be self-disciplined from the heart of your true compassion for yourself, rather than trying to drive yourself into betterment. You benefit by allowing yourself time and space to discover what being well and whole really means for you, personally! You may find that this process of finding greater vitality is deeply spiritual, and requires time to take shape and integrate into your lived experience.