Posted on April 30, 2023 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is a month , Libra, of finding your way through transformational storms and relationship adjustments. Pluto was prominent in the recent solar eclipse from last month that sets the stage for this one, affecting your self-expression and artistry as you seek new wrinkles on how you operate creatively. This is all happening in the light of an additional focus on partnership and close connection with important others in your life. Because Mercury is still retrograding through your intimacy sector you might be questioning and calling for readjustment in certain factors of your depth connection with others, and as well with yourself. Further issues of self and other are stimulated by the Full Moon and lunar eclipse of May 5th, which also brings deep intuitional revelation into play. Your values are increasingly important to you, and not easily understood by means of logic alone, requiring instead a form of deep diving to reveal truth that is personal and yours alone. The Moon’s Last Quarter transpires a week later, on the 12th, re-emphasizing factors of deep-seated consciousness, and introducing a weekend passage of Mercury’s station to direct motion in alignment with limiting Saturn. There are long-lasting lessons there for you that will become more apparent with time.
The following was written by our guest columnist Geoff Gronlund of
The New Moon Solar Eclipse from last month at the final degree of Aries, corresponding to your partnership sector, could have amplified for you the value of individuality within your relationships, perhaps provoking you to speak up about healing any codependency issues that you might have, or to more thoroughly explore your relationship dynamic. Transformational Pluto was featured in this eclipse, by a telling square alignment with the eclipse Sun and Moon, and influences the thirty-day lunation cycle lasting into the third week of May from your self-expression sector. of and recognition may have contributed to a good deal of pride or drama that led you to recognize this issue and perhaps speak up and do something about it. These effects of that eclipse are particularly active through the first three weeks of May, and as background for the following six months leading up to the fall.
Pluto stations retrograde on May 1st in your sector of creative self-expression, highlighting his transformative influence, while retrograde Mercury conjoins the Sun on the same day in one peak moment of the retrograde period, thereby increasing the tension of this first day of the month. Mercury, retrograding through your sector of intimacy, rebirth, and personal evolution, signals a timing that inspires you to introspectively dig beneath the surface into the deeper reaches of your psyche to gain a more profound understanding of what is truly most important to you and why, thus liberating and transforming the way you express yourself.
On Friday, May 5th, the Scorpio Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse lands in your second sector of values, sustainability, and resources, which brings up issues of self and other, including partnership agreements, and allows you to take a deeper look at your finances and the other sustaining factors of your life. During the weeks that follow, you could find yourself changing your entire connection to the material side of life or exploring new ways to get through. Your intuition is very valuable to you at this time, and while this leads you deeper it yet also may provide you with practical knowledge about where you are heading in the significant juncture of this month’s activities. Your inner principles are whispering to you their message of how to treat others in your life for mutual benefit. It’s important to recognize the value of working with others at this time, and by listening to your deeper instincts you might just lead yourself into greater harmony.
Venus ingresses into Cancer on May 7th , corresponding to your tenth sector of vocation, achievement, and professional life, and this might influence some type of additional focus for your career, or for greater recognition. You are perhaps inspiring others to appreciate you, or expressing that for co-workers. There is a warm and magnetic charm to this transit that can play out well in your working life if you adhere to the rules of engagement, which might be one of the lessons for this weekend.
On May 12th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius features the Sun and Uranus in conjunction, which could bring surprises, and is colored by an active and yet workable aspectual connection between Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This can represent a shift in your understanding of what you are up to, or perhaps elevate your sense of pride in your accomplishments or the service you might give to your community. This activation can help improve and refine your work relationships or enable you to align more succinctly with your values.
Mercury stations direct on May 14th in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. As Mercury stands still in the sky there is a peak of the retrograde period, which lasts for a couple of weeks longer when you take Mercury’s retrograde shadow period into account. You have likely given a lot of thought over the past three weeks or more, while Mercury was in retrograde motion, to better understanding your own inner nature, along with how much what you love means to you. This retrograde cycle has likely also nudged you toward an introspective examination of your depths, and there might have been implied course corrections for the way that you do close relationship with a partner. If there are new arrows for your quiver or new moves to make as a result, it would also be good to apply the changes you would like to see happen rather gradually, since Mercury’s a lingering retrograde influence remains to very nearly the end of the month.
Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on May 16th , again in your eighth solar sector of intimacy and personal evolution, and closely squares Pluto in Aquarius. This is a strong planetary alignment, and can bring opportunities that increase your personal power and create greater trust between yourself and others. With Pluto in the mix, some ongoing loss is also possible. It would be wise to remain extra vigilant about your creative projects and any dealings you enter into with others.
On May 19th, the New Moon lands in the late degrees of Taurus, corresponding again to your eighth sector of intimacy, rebirth, and soul work. This is a powerful lunation, with a grand cross near the beginning of fixed signs, including Pluto, Jupiter, Mars about to enter Leo, and the new nature planet, Haumea, in the final degree of Libra. This implies that a lot of hard work might be involved over the next four weeks in getting things to work out more or less smoothly. Transformation is also the keyword for this new Taurus cycle, so the beat goes on. You might need to beware of emotions getting away from you and being expressed in anger, as you begin to lay out a framework for how you will move forward handling your resources, creating greater sustainability, and grounding into your body through inner soul work and meaningful sexuality. Your intentions that you are formulating at this time might also need to be set aside at least until after May 21st, and perhaps until the end of the month.
Mars moves into Leo in your eleventh sector of ideals, community, and the elevation of consciousness on the very next day, opposing Pluto by exact degree, and echoing the above transformational themes of the Taurus New Moon. It might be good to think through your approach to your passions thoroughly before racing to enact them. Due to Pluto and Jupiter’s direct influence upon this ingress, there is potential for tremendous growth and recognition to unfold for you, but you might need to be wary that your pride doesn’t run ahead of you without a good dose of humility to temper it.
The Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 21st in your ninth sector of expansion, travel, and belief systems again makes an exact aspect to Pluto, a trine, and there could be similar consequences. These last three days have likely been extraordinary for their extreme energy, so that for the remainder of the May month you could find yourself relaxing just a bit, and integrating the lessons learned. The Sun in Gemini could inspire you to travel to new places, meet different people, or learn things that help you better understand what your true beliefs are. This is the road of the seeker and explorer who finds inspiration and excitement in things that are unique, or unfamiliar. You may be feeling restless at home or find joy in wanting to uncover new philosophy or religious perspectives, possibly even immerse yourself in a culture you have long wanted to understand more fully.