Libra Horoscope for December 2022

Posted on November 30, 2022 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The beat goes on, Libra, as you continue the transformational process that you have long been engaged in. December represents a thoughtful time, when communication and curiosity are your watchwords, and when you are concentrating on issues of ultimate identity – the growth in your understanding of who and what you really are. Partnerships in your life come into this equation in interesting ways, mirroring your own internal ruminations. In fact, inner work of all kinds seems to be a significant part of this process of getting to know yourself. You enjoy connecting to others around you, and this is important, and yet this takes a back seat to meeting yourself in new ways and becoming fascinated with the person that you are thereby finding. The Full Moon of the 7th represents a significant juncture when much of what has been going on for you comes to a head, especially with your key relationships. You are sparking on the unknown substance of your own inner world and the study will magically lead you into new dimensions of philosophy and worldview. And this is not to mention the personal evolution that you need and crave moving forward.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of December begins under the influence of the Sagittarius New Moon from the final week of November, lasting until the last week of the December month. In this New Moon, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun and Moon are transiting in the sign of Sagittarius, emphasizing the communication sector of your chart. This lunation may bring a renewal of sorts for things related to your ideas and the ways you communicate with others. You might find that the pace has increased considerably in recent weeks and you could be busy with the logistical and technical aspects of your surroundings. Time management may be on your mind in the first three weeks of December, especially if you have a lot to accomplish before the end of the year. This month might highlight the sharp contrast between your long-term goals and your everyday obligations and the need for a more streamlined approach in your everyday life. You might become aware of habits that are detrimental to your overall well-being. There is a degree of optimism now in the way that you pursue your day-to-day regimens and issues of your workplace. However, it can feel harder to change things also at this time or you may feel more indulgent and less disciplined than usual.

On the 3rd of December, Neptune stations direct in Pisces which may additionally bring a scattering influence during this first weekend of the month. Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius also square Neptune on the first days of the December, which can add confusion as to what you need to prioritize at this time. Going with the flow might be your best option right now, especially if you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list. Relaxing into your present circumstances should at least help you accept what can happen right now versus what may take more time to unfold.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 6th, which carries an emphasis in the part of your chart that relates to your home life and your family. Mercury will travel in the sign of Capricorn until mid-February due to its retrograde motion beginning at the end of December. This may eventually bring a reorganization process in your domestic life.

The Full Moon in Gemini takes place on December 7th, highlighting your vision and sector and perhaps where you have been trying to expand your reach recently. Travel and academia could feature strongly and a new path you have been forging for yourself might be illuminated. The Full Moon is very closely conjoined with Mars moving retrograde which may bring a need to re-assess your overall life direction or at least adjust your sails. Your desire for new experiences can feature strongly and the insights that come through at this time should be clarifying.

Venus enters the sign of Capricorn on the 9th, shifting the focus even more to your domestic reality and your family in the coming weeks. This can include tackling issues about your psychological roots, or your family of origin.

The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune mid-month, from the 13th through the 15th, and this transit continues to bring a somewhat scattering or draining influence.

Things should start to feel more energized by the time Jupiter re-enters the Fire sign of Aries on the 20th. You might finally be able to start streamlining your affairs or at least have a clearer idea of what you want in the latter part of December.

The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn on the 21st which signals the Capricorn Solstice and in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter. Partnerships are now featured also, along with home and family, due to the powerful presence of Jupiter in Aries, your opposite sign.

On December 23rd, the New Moon in Capricorn arrives in the very early degrees forming a dynamic square with Jupiter in Aries. These two Cardinal signs carry a lot of initiating energy, and for you, this could play out at home and in your relationships. An exciting and hopeful wind of change is blowing for you right now that can help you to set new intentions as to where you want to be in the world. This is so, even though the upcoming retrograde of Mercury implies taking the entire month of January to sort things out. Something might be stirring you toward the unknown and even though you may not know exactly what shapes things are going to take, the new horizons that could be emerging for you at this time might feel exciting and exhilarating.

Mercury in Capricorn stations retrograde on the 29th closely conjunct your ruler, Venus, and will be moving backward until the 18th of January and recovering its lost zodiacal ground until February 7th. This is likely to be a strong Mercury Retrograde period for you and should ultimately help you assess priorities at home or with a loved one and get organized for the arc of development for the following year. Venus in Capricorn conjoins Pluto right on New Year's Eve! This implies a transformative year ahead, and might highlight some sweet yet nostalgic feelings surrounding your loved ones as you head into 2023. You will remain in a relatively meditative space, searching things out, for nearly the next six weeks. It might be important to recognize that, due to Mercury’s retrograde shadow, it will be February before you can clearly set intentions for the months to follow.