Grand Trine in Fire: Minds Ablaze

Posted on December 12, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Mercury is forming an exact trine aspect with Jupiter on Friday, and joining the two is also Eris, forming a grand trine in the Fire element.
Mercury is the planet of communication and Jupiter is the planet of expansion. With Mercury trine a prominent Jupiter, your mind is on fire and confident, with an "anything is possible" outlook. Today your thoughts may be infused with optimism and philosophical ideas. This is an excellent time to launch a new writing project or course of study, or sign a new contract. An additional factor magnifies the possibilities for you, because the new planet Eris is involved, representing discovering your soul purpose and standing up for your beliefs. You could find yourself feeling extra stamina to take the right action, or naturally falling into greater alignment with your own higher truth. This grand trine is all fire, symbolizing increased will power and drive. There is ample energy available to you now, and your challenge is to harness it. This makes sense in a larger context as well, because it is such a crucial time on our planet; life is beckoning each of us to evolve ? to step up to our power and to recognize the gifts that we bring. A quote by Frederick Douglass comes to mind: "It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake."