Set Sail and Follow the Sun

Posted on November 12, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Over the course of today and tomorrow we all have several exact aspects forming. Venus and Saturn in the deep waters of Scorpio become conjunct at the 26th degree - emphasized because the Sun is also traveling through Scorpionic intensities at this time of year. Mars in Capricorn - still just a degree and a half away from his recent conjunction with Pluto - is exactly squaring Uranus in Aries. Tomorrow, too, the Sun is making an exact square to optimistic and expansive Jupiter in Leo.
This configuration can be summed up by a pronounced polarity of unbridled enthusiasm, passion and joy on one side, and a devout sense of sobering reality on the other. You may feel strongly pulled in opposite directions, so that maintaining your balance becomes a challenging task. Depending on your personal astrology, of course, you could feel one side more strongly than the other, although both sides will eventually come into play. With the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus in cahoots, the temptation is there to extreme excitement, rash decisions and the potential for accidents to occur, so that the exercise of caution is recommended. This might be especially the case for those representatives of Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, and Aquarius, who will be having difficulty constraining their forward momentum, With Venus and Saturn also in conjunction, exemplars of the signs of Taurus, Libra, and Capricorn may be feeling a sense of extra reserve and responsibility, thus erring on the side of holding back from direct action.
With a conscientious approach, this configuration could result in a positive synergy, allowing your passions and desires to pull you forward, while maintaining grounded in sensible wisdom, and in your open heart. With your vision and vigor acting as the sails and sense of devotion as the rudder, undoubtedly your ship can sail far, following the Sun of your joy and inner truth to new lands.