Saturn Stations Direct: A Seed of Wisdom Awaits

Posted on July 21, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Today, Sunday, July 20th, marks the end of Saturn's retrograde period as the planet of boundaries and limitation stations to direct motion. Saturn has been in retrograde since March, and remains in Scorpio until the fall of 2015 with a short sojourn into Sagittarius around the end of the current year. Saturn moving through Scorpio creates a deep impression - the lessons are not easily forgotten. Through this time you might have been learning something new to you about emotional responsibility. Perhaps you are confronting your shortcomings and/or finding your capacity for wholeness in the context of intimate connection. As Saturn comes to a standstill in the sky, preparing to begin moving forward once again, the trickster energy represented by the planetary archetype of Uranus is also stationary, and will begin its own retrograde tomorrow, July 21st. There is an uncanny nature to these two powerful planets coming to standstill at almost exactly the same time, and inconjunct with each other within one quarter of one degree. Wild impulse is forced to hold back and revolutionary insight meets depth of wisdom. Over the course of an interesting month of July, you are likely coming into a greater knowing of your own potentials, and a better grasp of where to find the access point to put plans into action in order to reach your true goals. As these two planets get moving again, you may find it best to allow ideas and plans simmer for just a little longer, waiting for the time to be ripe for considered action. A seed of wisdom awaits where unbridled enthusiasm and the reining in of impulse meet in practicality, nourished by equal doses of patience and passion.