Libra in Astrology

Libra Period: September 23 - October 22
Libra Mode: Cardinal
Libra Element: Air
Ruling Planet of Libra: Venus
House Ruled by Libra: Seventh
Libra Polarity: Positive

Most Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus
Opposite Zodiac Sign: Aries

Libra is the sign of harmony and relationship. The Sun in Libra is at the time of the Equinox, when day equals night, and similarly Libra strives for balance between polarities.

Librans are known for their good taste, elegance and charm. They are seekers of harmony and beauty. Their natural mode of living is in partnership with others. Intimate relationships are quite important to them, as are issues of social justice. Libras forever hope that all parties in a conflict will be satisfied, and they have a tendency to understand and support both sides of a dispute, which can drive their friends crazy unless they are smart enough to value the mediation that Libras naturally provide. Libras will go out of thier way to avoid a quarrel, and they may have a hard time making a decision.

Artistic pursuits of all kinds provide an outlet for Libras' love of beauty. They benefit from strengthening their will to act in favor of their higher purpose, which ultimately lies in dedicating themselves to humanity at large.

Libra Horoscope for October 2024

This is another volatile month, Libra, with a solar eclipse and New Moon taking place in your sign at nearly its very beginning, on October 2nd. Mercury conjuncts this New Moon, one degree away, at 11° Libra, as does also the new Nature activist planet, Makemake. With such a strong eclipse degree in your sign, and the remarkable Sun and Moon alignments, you...

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Libra by Element and Mode

The element related to Libra is Air.

The Air element is the masculine or yang energy representing the breath or prana - the realm of ideas and archetypal associations that link the physical and non-physical world together. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Thinking. All forms of relationship and thought fall within its purview. Air people tend to live in their heads, being logical and scientific, as well as curious about what is around them and detached in their outlook. They dream the world into being with their future-oriented conceptions. They choose all parties to a dispute rather than taking sides, and thus provide the social linkage that can join disparate groups to each other.

The mode of Libra is Cardinal.

Cardinal signs are outgoing, creative rather than passive, representing self-starters who make their will power known.

Ruling Planet of Libra

The ruling planet of Libra is Venus.

Venus is the planet of love and relationship. Venus is in-taking, rather than out-going (as represented by Mars), and rules the signs Libra and Taurus. Venus has its exaltation in Pisces, and is associated with aesthetics, beauty, refinement and romance. Its position in the chart indicates the area in which the give and take of love, affection and sensual pleasure will be expressed.

Learn more about the other astrological signs of the zodiac...

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