A January Month of Polarity, Relationship Transformation, and Inner Recognition

A January Month of Polarity, Relationship Transformation, and Inner Recognition

This January month features a potent opening weekend with the Capricorn New Moon on the 2nd in trine with the trickster archetype of Uranus. Because Uranus is still square to Saturn, representing a long-term theme of the previous year that is still active heading into 2022, the potent push-pull between conservative and progressive viewpoints continues to incite....

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A December Month of Accentuated Polarities and Crazy Wisdom

A December Month of Accentuated Polarities and Crazy Wisdom

This December month features a potent Solar Eclipse at nearly it’s very beginning, taking place late on the evening of Friday the 3rd, Pacific Time, and is yet another wild and wooly outer-planet-activated time period, to end a climactic 2021 year. Most notably, Venus conjuncts Pluto within one degree for 20 days of this month, due to the timing of her...

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A November Month of Excitement and Environmental Consciousness

A November Month of Excitement and Environmental Consciousness

This is another wild and wooly month that we have in store, with Trickster Uranus once again emphasized, and with new planets beyond Pluto also getting a play. Last month’s October cycle featured the New Moon in close aspect to Uranus, an inconjunct (quincunx) aspect that was very precise, and this month’s November 4th Scorpio New Moon features a...

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An October Month of Questioning, Revisioning, and Looking Within

An October Month of Questioning, Revisioning, and Looking Within

This is a wild October that we are stepping into which features a relationally emphasized Mercury Retrograde, and an unpredictable Libra New Moon that sets the tone for the rest of the month. This Mercury Retrograde is in Libra, and lasts for all of October when you take into account the two weeks of its retrograde shadow period that follows its station to...

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A September Month of Surprises, Revelations, and Transformation

A September Month of Surprises, Revelations, and Transformation

This month has the distinction of many aspects pointing toward the ongoing Eris-Pluto square at the 24-degree mark of Aries and Capricorn, supported at the time of the September 6th New Moon by Jupiter in the same degree of Aquarius, Mars at the same 24-degree mark of Virgo, and Venus- Haumea at 25 and 27 degrees of Libra. Meanwhile, the New Moon takes place at 14...

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