A July Month of Transformation and Deep Recognition

A July Month of Transformation and Deep Recognition

The astrology of July features Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Eris. This makes for a potent mix, as Uranus draws nearer and nearer to Eris before stationing to retrograde motion a few degrees away, on July 26th. Neptune and Pluto are both prominent in this month's astrology, being aspected by Jupiter and Venus in the New Moon timing, and because...

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A June Month of Introspection and Soul Growth

A June Month of Introspection and Soul Growth

The astrology of June features Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto. With Mercury Retrograde for the past two weeks, from the time of the recent mid-May New Moon, we are seeing the world around us through a lens of introspection and serious purpose. This is especially so, since Saturn is also prominent in this month's astrology, being then opposed...

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A Difficult and Enchanting Month of May

A Difficult and Enchanting Month of May

The astrology of May features Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. There is quite a bit of emphasis on Neptune in the April 18th New Moon that began the current monthly cycle, with Jupiter also emphasized, being across the zodiac from most of the other planets, in aspect to Pluto, and in a T-square with the Sun and Moon at the time of the May 3rd Full...

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An April to Dig In, to Relax, and to Remember to Breathe

An April to Dig In, to Relax, and to Remember to Breathe

The astrology of April features two eclipses, counting last month's Spring Equinox solar eclipse that began the current cycle, and as well the lunar eclipse and Full Moon of the first weekend of April. With this potent configuration, this is shaping up to be a volatile month, also emphasizing singular Jupiter, as well as Chiron, Uranus Neptune and Pluto. We are all...

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A Fascinating and Transformational March

A Fascinating and Transformational March

The astrology of March is quite active, featuring Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, plus a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Pisces, on the morning of the same day that the Sun enters Aries for the Spring Equinox. Jupiter is still powerfully configured across the Zodiac from the rest of the planets, including Mercury, closely opposed to...

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