A January Month of Tricks and Massive Structural Transformation

A January Month of Tricks and Massive Structural Transformation

The Astrology of January is quite intense, featuring a lunar eclipse as well as Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Pluto, and Eris. All these powerful planetary archetypes have come together for January of 2020 either as part of a large Capricorn stellium that is active right from the very beginning of the month, in alignment with the current lunations, or, in the...

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A December Month of Structural Transformation and New Horizons

A December Month of Structural Transformation and New Horizons

The Astrology of December features Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Eris, based on the recent Sagittarius New Moon from November 26th that started off the current astrological month, indicating another time of profound change and unexpected enlightenment. Uranus is aspected by the Sun and Moon in this potent lunation, while Mars opposes Uranus directly. What does this...

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A November Month of Surprises, Re-evaluations, and Alterations

A November Month of Surprises, Re-evaluations, and Alterations

The Astrology of November features Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Eris, based on the recent Scorpio New Moon from October 27th that started off the astrological month of November, indicating another time of profound change and unexpected enlightenment. Uranus is directly opposed by the Sun and Moon in this potent lunation, while Saturn is aspected by every personal...

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An October Month of Vision, Chaos, and Transformational Change

An October Month of Vision, Chaos, and Transformational Change

The Astrology for October features Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Pluto, based on the recent Libra New Moon from September 28th that colors the entire thirty-day lunation cycle taking up most of the month, and also on the very powerful Aries Full Moon at 20 +degrees that made a T-square to a slow-moving Pluto in the same degree of Capricorn. We find as well that Saturn...

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A September Month of Surprising Realizations and Transformation

A September Month of Surprising Realizations and Transformation

The Astrology of September features a powerful Virgo stellium that is brought forward in a big way in the timing of the New Moon that proceeds the month, just two days before September begins. The first weekend of the month, therefore, has loads of this Virgo energy of discrimination and coming to clarity about purity of intention, and, depending on where this...

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