An October Month of Transformation and Surprising Enlightenment

An October Month of Transformation and Surprising Enlightenment

This is another exciting month for everybody, as the Covid cultural reset continues on, with possible renewed outbreaks, and as the world is bracing itself for a highly divisive U.S. presidential contest where the gloves seem to be coming off, perhaps on both sides. On an individual level, there is a great deal of polarization also, as competing ideas within each...

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A September Month of Limitation and Opportunity

A September Month of Limitation and Opportunity

September is an interesting transitional month between the trials of this past summer and the further trials of a volatile fall season. There continues to be a strong emphasis on Saturn, indicating contraction, limitation, slow-downs, and dedication to purpose. There is also a contrasting degree of openness from the presence of the revolutionary trickster energy of...

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An August Month of Further Transformation and Staying the Course

An August Month of Further Transformation and Staying the Course

This second month of deep summer brings something of a repetition of the previous month, as far as the major astrological configurations are concerned. Pluto and Saturn are each quite powerfully configured in the July 20th New Moon that precedes the current month, while the separation of Saturn and Pluto is slowly dropping as Saturn continues its current retrograde...

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A July Month of Facing Reality and Rising to Its Challenge

A July Month of Facing Reality and Rising to Its Challenge

The month of July brings along with it further transformation, as indicated by the ongoing T-square to Pluto from new planets Eris and Haumea, in opposition. They aspect by partile square alignment the tight Jupiter-Pluto conjunction at 24 plus degrees of Capricorn. Eris represents a Feminine Warrior archetype in support of soul intention, as well as taking...

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A June Month of Introspection, Spiritual Influence, and Continued Transformative Effects

A June Month of Introspection, Spiritual Influence, and Continued Transformative Effects

The month of June comes riding in on butterfly wings, and it exits at a far slower and more thoughtful pace. Transformation is still the lead headliner, with an ongoing T-square from new planets to Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn. The square between Eris, Feminine Warrior for soul intention, at 24 + degrees of Aries, and Pluto at 24 + of Capricorn, remains partile or...

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