Libra Horoscope for July 2023

Libra Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

During July, you are still changing at the core, Libra, with a series of powerful astrological influences coming to bear. Your future plans are incrementally taking your morphing worldview more completely into account and seeking a better match to what represents the truth of who you are. Especially in the wake of the July 3rd Full Moon, intuition is your guide, along with synchronicities that inform you when you allow them to. Venus, your ruler, is in Leo, therefore lodged in your sector of goals, friendship, and societal connection, and is slowing to turn to retrograde motion on the 22nd, just as the Sun enters Leo. For now, and for the next several months of the Venus retrograde, you are mediating or where you choose to put your creative energy to use. Unexpected circumstances are likely, and might serve to help to guide your footsteps into a new phase. Important partners come into this in the timing on the 9th and the 10th, when Mars and Mercury both change signs. The New Moon of the 17th brings fresh energy to your career choices as well as partnership considerations and commitments, along with the metamorphosis of your own creative standards.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

Last month's Gemini New Moon took place in your sector of the higher mind and outer expansion, making for a thoughtful thirty days, extending into the current month as well, as you concern yourself with making the necessary worldview connections to support your growth. The New Moon also featured transformational Pluto, so that a process of deep change still informs your creative choices and influences your self-expression, and was even more directly characterized by the Sun and Moon in square with numinous Neptune is your sector of day-to-day patterns and life mission. You therefore may be experiencing a feeling of overwhelm surrounding your daily rhythms and responsibilities. More clarity on these topics will likely emerge as July continues to unfold, including the influence on your domestic sphere, shared assets, and intimate relationships. July also has a quality of fated experience for you, offering social revitalization and review that may help you connect to a more profound sense of purpose within your own sensibility and in your associations with others.

You may be feeling emerging coherence around career ambitions due to Mercury's solar rebirth as the month begins in your vocational sector. This combination of celestial events sets an outer world theme for the month that continues to resonate with the immediately upcoming Full Moon in your opposite sector of home and family.

This month also begins under the influence of a square from the 1st to the 3rd with your ruling planet Venus, in Leo, in aspect to Uranus in Taurus, across your spheres of community and intimacy. Your social life and relationships may feel a little unpredictable; exciting new collaborative, vocational, and romantic associations could emerge. This transit might also reflect the need to separate from restrictive close relationships and could also open new doors of possibility and connection. Though Venus will never catch up to Mars in Leo, your ruling plant's momentary conjunction supports this process of exploration, offering the bold confidence to go your own way and perhaps as well the freedom of caring less about what others think.

The Capricorn Full Moon takes place on July 3rd, and could stir up big feelings and the contrast of private versus public concerns as it bridges your domestic and career sectors. This powerful lunation could additionally illuminate how your beliefs about the world, including your ambitions and sense of safety within it, are connected to your early conditioning or family lineage. Over the last 15 years, the home and family sector of your chart has faced significant changes and possible endings. You may now be considering how to infuse new meaning into what home or kinship means to you. You could be involved in renovations, or moving locations. The Moon's trine to Jupiter in Taurus suggests inheritances, settlements, or shared resources could offer fertile support in materializing your ambitions, or it may simply be time to consider practical steps related to your dwelling space or career.

July 10th sees Mars enter Virgo, suggesting a shift of energy inward to your interior process or solitary activities. Enhanced drive is available for any behind-the-scenes work, self-analysis, or learning you are engaged in, as signaled by Mercury's opposition to Pluto. Mercury's opposition to Pluto in Capricorn as it enters Leo may offer concentration and insight or allow you to expand on topics related to your goals, your career, or the very roots of your being. This transit offers revelation through a confrontation with your depths, facilitating ancestral healing and deep conversations with colleagues or family. Powerful persuasive powers are on offer at this time, although also potential conflict, which you might leverage to jump start professional life moves. Mercury's entrance into Leo, or your community sector, may feel like a sunny shift for your mindset; this would be away from work matters toward friendship, collaboration, and sharing.

The New Moon in Cancer arrives on July 17th and renews focus to your sphere of outer world objectives, suggesting that you have arrived at an important juncture related to your life path. The Lunar Nodes of destiny also are shifting into Aries and Libra, forming a T-square with Pluto in Capricorn and activating the angular sectors in your solar chart related to your partnerships, identity, and home. People, opportunities, and plans entering or exiting your life right now may feel fated. Just as the New Moon seed is planted in the dark, these significant movements require trust in life's unfolding path, which may be signaled by intuition at this point. Mercury's square from Leo to Jupiter in Taurus suggests that your creative visions and emerging ambitions can manifest, and grow, and be sustained in the material world. In articulating these, you may find yourself connecting with others to collaborate with or support your goals.

The Lunar North Node moving into Aries indicates that topics related to partnership and purpose will represent significant beginnings over the next year and a half. As you explore the realm of projection, the need for freedom in partnership, and the courage it takes to love an important other, you might also find yourself shedding old identities, attitudes, relating patterns, or modes of presenting that you once held dear. The influence of this nodal shift, combined with Chiron's station the following week on July 23rd, offers healing through relationship, where you might reconnect to your own wholeness through meeting yourself in other.

Leo season begins on July 22nd as the Sun moves into your sector of friends, community, and your goals. This is the same day that your ruling planet Venus stations to begin her retrograde period. In his dramatic exit from Cancer, the Sun makes a grand cross aspect with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. This combination of events has the quality of rebirth, further emphasized by Mercury forming a square to Uranus in Taurus. While you may continue to be involved in a painful process of transformation around matters of home and how you feel rooted, you might connect to an emerging sense of joyful possibility that life is opening up to you. Venus' retrograde over the next six weeks makes for a meaningful time of reflection and reorientation around topics of desire, money, friendship, love, and values, which inform how you relate to your wider social ecosystem. This period could also offer closure or review through the return of past lovers or associations. You may be particularly magnetic and gregarious right now; should you harness that confidence to share your dreams with others, you may also find unexpected allies. The fiery, self-oriented nature of these transits supports healthy ego development and may have the power to reveal personal shadows related to vanity or social status.

On July 27th, Mercury forms a conjunction with retrograde Venus in Leo before ingressing into Virgo the next day, in your sector of the subconscious and inner work. This connection with Venus as the month ends indicates an ongoing process of insight regarding your dreams and desires and supports heartfelt conversations and emotional honesty. While you may meet kindred spirits or romantic partners around this time, be mindful that you may change your mind about certain wants and needs as the retrograde period progresses. Your internal world might take on a more significant focus over the next two months, including Mercury’s upcoming retrograde, where you may continue to work on a project, develop a skill in solitude, or take a more reflective approach to your spiritual life or mental health.

This July month has offered revitalization through surrender — of what has inevitably passed and to what is emerging. Listening to what feels joyful and right will help you reconnect to authentic desire and selfhood, which may in turn deepen your connection to others and for your emerging life path.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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