A Last Quarter Moon of Energy, Mystery, and Intuitional Revelation

A Last Quarter Moon of Energy, Mystery, and Intuitional Revelation

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Tuesday evening’s Last Quarter Moon, on 24 Sagittarius, taking place Tuesday, March 14th, at 7:08 PM PDT, later evening for the east coast and early morning the next day for Europe, is a rather powerful lunation! This lunar phase, with the Sun and Moon in square, sees them additionally aligned to within one degree of zodiacal longitude with a perfect Mars-Neptune square, exact almost to the minute, at 25 degrees of their respective signs of Gemini and Pisces. This presages an interesting and fully mystical period of time for the week that follows, leading up to the Aries New Moon of the 21st. Mars energizing Neptune in such a definite manner – as the Mars season of Aries begins to make itself known – leads to at least one good outcome, that we will definitely have the Neptune archetype front and center in our conscious awareness, thereby giving us the opportunity to better understand this numinous archetype of inner Spirit. It is also the case, however, that the energy we have for the completion of our tasks will very likely hit foggy and amorphous road blocks, potentially leading to very different results than we had planned. A strong position of Uranus is also present in this Last Quarter Moon configuration, as has been true through this entire Pisces lunation cycle up to this point, so that unexpected events and surprising revelations are also in the cards for us during its final week.

We will also want to recognize that the Sun and Moon, at 24 + degrees of Pisces and Sagittarius, make partile aspects to Eris at the exact same degree of Aries, bringing a sense of spiritual fierceness into this picture. Further, this lunar phase, termed by seminal 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar a “crisis of consciousness,” is all about choosing our proper path, no matter what we might have mistakenly thought. And this is what corresponds to our most authentic set of choices for ourselves going forward, into our next evolutionary cycle. We will want to be asking ourselves what profound parts of our inner workings might be revealed to our inquiry at this time, and whether we can stay open to the revelatory information that comes.

In terms of what we might encounter within ourselves and observe in the collective, let us consider the rich and numinous astrological Neptune archetype, in combination with feisty Mars, and imagine where they might land for us as we navigate the week to come. A Neptunian keyword is contained in that last sentence, “imagine,” to include as well phantom imagery and fantasy material that could arise. During strong Neptune / Pisces influence, our nighttime dreams are another avenue which is likely to be activated, and such dreams are, as we know, oftentimes an opening to deep unconscious layers within. In general, Neptune refers to the “other side” of life, perhaps to those who have literally passed over, a side that is lived out in the unconscious, and in mythology, and in the life of the Spirit.

In some ways this Neptunian mystery is antithetical to the plain and simple go-for-it energy of Mars, his partner in tension for this very intense juncture, supported in their extremely close square aspect is by the Sun and Moon, also in square. There is a rationale in this antithesis that you see explicated in delineations for this combination as “weakness” and “uncertainty of intention.” Some of that is undeniably true. But everything in Astrology has its upside as well as its down, and we will also want to recognize that when one path seems doubtful, another doorway indeed opens. If we are not as efficient as usual over this next week, we may well yet bring more heart and soul to the nature of our desires and our longings, and that can be a Very Good Thing.

We might therefore think of this closing week to the Pisces lunation cycle as a chance to dig deep within ourselves for our true objectives, and as we do, to find the soul purpose behind them. Remember that Eris is also currently activated, the archetype of the Feminine Warrior in pursuit of soul intention. It is not easy to get in touch with profound purpose, to discover some piece of our actual mission for this lifetime, and yet it is vital that we do so. It is only when we know ourselves in all our conscious and our unconscious places that we arrive at the possibility of integration and of wholeness; and the search for such integration is our ultimate task as we evolve. It is “the only game in town,” as recently passed sage and astrologer Alan Oken was known to frequently remark, “or at least the only one I know that is worth playing.”

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