A First Quarter Moon of Earth Issues and Societal Responses

A First Quarter Moon of Earth Issues and Societal Responses

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Tuesday afternoon’s First Quarter Moon at 23 + degrees of Taurus, an earth sign, taking place on February 12th, the same week as Valentine’s Day, signals new initiatives, as different elements of the sparking lightening-bolt energy from last week are being brought forward relative to events as they unfold. In particular, the Air energy of Aquarius comes up against the Earth energy reality of what both makes sense and feels good. The limitations of Saturn still apply, and might become an even more poignant dominating factor. We are challenged to discover – by actual action – what part, if any, of the idealistic originating impulse of this potent lunation cycle is viable. This brings a fresh dimension to the rather intense energy of the previous week’s Aquarius New Moon, which could be said, in many ways, to refer to the developmental evolution of our society as we head toward 2020, and to the individual’s role in that larger and more encompassing process. Here in the U.S. we are well aware of societal forces in motion right now, with the newly Democratic-leaning congress coming out with their schemes and dreams for a better social contract between all classes, rich and poor, and all racial groups, redressing what they consider the rather wide imbalance between the mass of working folk and the top 1% that seem to possess an increasingly large slice of the total pie. The polarity between right- and left-wing viewpoints is perhaps greater than ever, and yet there is also a lot of talk about “bi-partisan” agreement. Certainly all parties are potentially able to embrace making changes that actually work for the vast majority of Americans, something that is vitally necessary in these fraught times. As we regard the First Quarter Moon configuration we will want to ask ourselves what the planetary positions portend for this second week of the evolving February cycle regarding both societal prospects and accompanying individual transformation.

One interesting thing about this quarter moon configuration is that the Sun and Moon, at 23 + of their respective signs, each make a partile aspect to the new planet, Eris, at 23 + Aries. This brings out in every one of us a strong sense that we must stand up for what we deeply believe, at all costs, following inner guidance in doing so, and only that. Eris remains in square with the changeful energies of Pluto at nearly 22 degrees of Capricorn, reminding us that we need to make adjustments in our own personal lives if we are to see manifested the changes that we would like to promote in the society surrounding us. Paradoxically, by articulating and acting on our own standards, we advance the cause of all individuals, since by our example we encourage them to take this type of stand for their particular values. Of course, middle ground must ultimately be found, by means of which the society itself will be able to advance.

Two others of these new planets to be officially named this century by the International Astronomical Union have to do with embracing Earth issues, and these are Haumea and Makemake. They are also prominent in this First Quarter Moon, Haumea being aspected by Sun, Moon, Eris, and Uranus, while Makemake is singled out for attention by Mercury, newly entered into Pisces, and making an inconjunct or quincunx aspect to him. Without doubt, ideas that could contribute to saving the planet from climate change are on most people’s minds right now, including many of the more progressive Democrats in congress, who are espousing a “Green New Deal” to provide jobs and to ease atmospheric CO2. It remains to be seen whether these ideas, and the political movement behind them, will have traction, but as this transitional year continues to unwind, time will tell.

The Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon are, as usual, instructive. They are, for the Sun in the twenty-fourth degree of Aquarius, “A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from experience.” This reminds us of the Senex archetype, as articulated by C.G. Jung, and in this quarter moon makes its case for a “wisdom culture” to begin to arise in this fraught decade. Marc Edmund Jones references “the necessity that any personal refinement be preserved by the sharing of its rewards.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Taurus, we find, “A mounted Indian with scalp locks.” The implied violence aside, this symbol with its native American motif makes the point that the accolades of accomplishment must be found in a form of activity that remains close to Nature as the primary source of its energy and its potency. Jones comments on “an unimpeachable control over life through a discipline of the self and its powers.” Indeed, in the coming era, when global warming might well require us to make severe changes to our very life styles, we will need this type of earnest warrior consciousness, respecting the needs of the planet that sustains us, and in tune with natural law, if we are to make any progress toward the Herculean task that has become visible before us as our twenty-first century destiny.

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