An Aries New Moon of Mystical Thought and Deep Intuition

An Aries New Moon of Mystical Thought and Deep Intuition

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Aries New Moon taking place quite early on Friday morning, April 5th, is another potent lunation featuring Neptune, Pluto, and Eris. We find, in fact, that the square between Pluto and Eris has become very close now, within 1/2 degree, as Pluto stations this month. The Sun and Moon at the 15-degree mark are in a wide conjunction with Eris, with the Moon making a close contra-parallel, while Jupiter is in trine. With so much emphasis on Eris, a Feminine Warrior archetype in support of soul intention, we might expect that the evolutionary pressure is upon us to articulate our deepest values, and to proceed to act upon these, letting nothing deter us. In this way you actually come closer to finding meaning in your life, your heart’s true purpose in your being here on this beautiful, bountiful, and stressed-out planet at this difficult moment in time. Saturn is also tied up with Pluto, as we have been seeing for many weeks, in close parallel, a mere 10 minutes of a degree of declination separating them. With Pluto so involved, and, as well, Saturn-Pluto, we would expect that following our inner guidance toward a feeling for our life purpose would engage with issues of major transformation in our lives. Then also, as far as speaking our truth, we have the unexpectedly powerful presence of Mercury, still in close conjunction with Neptune, although this aspect is now fading over just these last few days, and in close sextile with Saturn. The New Moon configuration bringing Neptune, Mercury, and Saturn together in this way implies several different things. Our first bullet might be that our current thought process, being so involved with Neptune, remains quite fuzzy. We are reminded of the lyrics to “White Rabbit,” that mid-sixties drug anthem, whose refrain is still extremely applicable: “logic and proportion have fallen soggy dead.” This combination also presents the vivid dichotomy of hard-nosed practicality versus fantasy wish fulfillment, in a tug-of-war for our approval. In the midst of the confusion and illusion that characterize otherworldly Neptune, though, there is also the concept of a positive engagement with Saturn, allowing their interpenetration, thus enabling dream reality and mythic imagination to be bought fruitfully to bear upon the 3D here-and-now world of the purely physical.

In this New Moon configuration, also, we find Mars in quite close contra-parallel with Pluto, and with Saturn, amping up their engagement which peaks this month, then fades somewhat, to come roaring back as 2019 draws to a close and perfecting in early 2020. This conjunction between Saturn and Pluto, forming throughout the month, implies a dire period of conservative empowerment, warring factions, and potentially violent actions in the promotion of individual viewpoints. With Mars in the picture of this month’s cycle this latter would be accentuated, with also the potential on an individual level for suppressed anger to explode. Mars is also closely sextile to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, so that inner wounding could come up for either triggering and reactivity, or else for healing action that can attempt to integrate and move beyond these hidden waves of darkness and pain that all humans, one way or another, seem to have going on, somewhere far below the surface regions of their personality The recipe is simply that you silently observe, and keep on observing, remaining calm and ceasing to avert your gaze from the hurt places inside you. This simple act can have tremendous power for eventual integration and resolution.

The fact that future-oriented Jupiter is involved in the configuration between Eris and Pluto also gives reason to hope for peaceful and innovative solutions to pressing environmental and social problems, and on individual levels also. The strong Jupiter presence, trine Eris and sextile Haumea, an earth goddess energy that bespeaks of harmony with Nature, calls upon us to take heart. We might be reminded that attitude is everything, and that seeing the glass as mostly empty does not serve our evolutionary purpose to move life forward. As the poet says, “Let us then be up and doing/ With a heart for any fate;/ Still achieving, still pursuing,/ Learn to Labor, and to wait.”

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon degree has, as usual, something to contribute. For the Sun and Moon in the sixteenth degree of Aries (15 plus) we find, “An Indian (Native American) weaving a blanket,” which might remind us of the fabric of indigenous life, woven of many strands of both human and natural origin. Marc Edmund Jones comments on, “personal fulfillment through a simple excellence of expression… bringing all desired things to center in true self-possession... quiet persistence of each proper act of self.” Indeed, it is when we quietly forge ahead, in spite of everything, that we make our individually unique evolutionary headway, provided by our own inner sense of what makes our offering of greatest value to the surrounding culture.

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