A Full Moon of Thoughtful Potential for Action

A Full Moon of Thoughtful Potential for Action

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, taking place Tuesday morning (or afternoon further east) with the Sun opposed, in Gemini, is quite a powerful lunation. The Sun is now poised between retrograde Mercury, in this same mentally oriented sign, and Mars a few degrees away, with Mars in close inconjunct aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. The midpoint of Mercury and Mars is 11 Gemini 11, or the twelfth degree of Gemini, the same degree in which we find the Sun. This is as well a Full Moon time of studied introspection, because taking place in the height of the Mercury Retrograde period, just days after the important peak moment of the conjunction of Sun and Mercury, which took place on the previous weekend. We are in the process of taking a closer look at everything that we think, or say, or do.

It also might be interesting to you if we mention that at the timing of the Full Moon, when Sun and Moon are at the same degree and minute of their respective signs, in opposition, Mars is also at the same degree as Pluto in its current sign, and almost the exact same minute of a degree. The Mars-Pluto inconjunct aspect of 150° carries with it the idea of adjustment, and so does the reflective nature of the Mercury Retrograde period, when your entire thought process is in a process of revision and resettlement. If you look more deeply into your life, in any particular way, of what use might that be unless you are able to make some form of adjustment? Mars is about doing, although at the timing of this retrograde, this might best be translated as the potential for doing; meaning that the Mercury Retrograde period is better for research. You can get on with the actual doing once the moment has come when you know for sure in what direction you aspire to fly your arrow.

Saturn is also aligned with other planetary energies during this same cycle, being opposed by Mars at the recent mid-May New Moon, and in the sign of Sagittarius, the sign now opposite Mercury and the Sun. Like the retrograde of Mercury, the strictures of prominent Saturn require that there be a pause. This is difficult for a results-oriented culture, and yet does allow time just to be; and time as well for the lessons to sink in, those that are inherent in what we are currently up to.

With numinous Neptune also highlighted in this exiting Full Moon configuration, by a T-square from Sun and Moon, we also currently inhabit quite a mystical place, full of soul orientation. This concept runs in an orthogonal way to the hustle and bustle of the everyday world all around us, existing both below and in contrast to this other-dimensional region of deeper purpose. We are just as we are, and of such stuff as what we have available in the area of the physical; true, and yet while we must pay proper attention to the things of the three-dimensional world, we also inhabit universes that are far beyond that structure. We win when we can gracefully honor both these realms of our natural human condition.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are, as usual, quite relevant. They are, for the Sun, in the 12th degree of Gemini, "A Topsy saucily asserting herself," which refers to a slave girl. Marc Edmund Jones elaborates that "this is a symbol of the balance which every individual must maintain between the compulsions of the social milieu on which [their] well-being depends, and the necessity that [they] exercise their fledging wings on every possible occasion." In a chime with my commentary above, he also references "effective mobilization of the Self's practical resources for the role it must play in daily living." For the Moon we find a rather mysterious image: "A flag that turns into an eagle that crows." Jones has the keyword of ADJUSTMENT, and goes on to summarize this as "successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression," and we might add, in several different areas simultaneously, of potential creativity. It is indeed only when we combine outer responsibility together with inner knowing, ensuring consistency in depending on our deep soul's guidance, that the deed is ever truly accomplished.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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