Happy Leo Season!

Happy Leo Season!

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This year the Sun passes through the sign of Leo from July 22nd to August 22nd.

It is a rich and powerful time, as we have a Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Mars Retrograde, and Mercury Retrograde all happening during this Leo Season. It's a potent time for growth, evolution, and positive change.

Here is some general information on the zodiacal archetype of Leo:

Leos are likely to express themselves in dramatic, creative and assertive ways. They are also likely to enjoy the warmth of the physical Sun. Leos have great energy, courage and honesty. They are likely to be self-confident and maybe even a bit self-indulgent as they expect to be the center of attention, and often are. Leos can be quite determined and usually get their way when they really want to. They also possess great integrity, and are a natural leader.

Leo people are very proud. Their challenge is to temper any tendency for arrogant or egotistical behavior and to instead develop humility and compassion; to learn detachment in the gift of their affections, so that they radiate their abundant energy freely and enhance the life experience of others around them.

For more Leo info, graphics, and horoscopes click here!

Happy Solar Return and Birthday to you, Leo!! Thank you for shining your warmth and light into our world!! May you have an amazing trip round the Sun!

What new light will come in your next trip around the Sun?

Solar Return Report

solar return birthday astrology report

Your Solar Return Chart is a powerful technique for examining the themes and issues that will arise for you during your solar year - the year that runs from birthday to birthday. Often the turning point represented by your birthday time of the year brings a new phase of your life into existence, and the Solar Return chart helps you to examine this new perspective on your life and what your year may bring.

Includes a colorful chart with complete interpretations of zodiac signs, planetary positions and aspects.

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